So I wanted to look up a Big Bang Theory episode yesterday and I noticed that Google found quite a number of pages referencing it. As a result, I got curious how many results each of the episodes would return. A few lines of Perl code later, here is the result.
It lists the number of results returned for each episode as a measure of relative popularity. Interesting… By the way, I had to cut out the pilot episode because it turns out that the NSTA pilot’s certification requires you to know about the Big Bang Theory… Huh, who knew!? ;]
Here is the Perl code for the previous Big Bang Theory chart. In case you’re interested… ;]
Edited 2011-11-12 to improve the Perl code, removed dependency on having video files to pull titles from and pull from the Wikipedia Big Bang Episodes list article instead.
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use LWP; use Data::Dumper; use File::Find; use GD::Graph::bars; use GD::Graph::colour qw(:colours :lists :files :convert); use List::Util qw /max/; my $googleAPIkey = 'INSERT-YOUR-KEY-HERE'; my $googurl = ""; my %results = (); my @csv; my @episodes = &getEpisodeList(); foreach (@episodes) { if (!($_ =~ /pilot/i)) { $results{$_} = dosearch($_); push(@csv, [$_, $_, $results{$_}]); sleep 10; # Sleep for a while to avoid triggering quota issues } } my @values; my @keys = sort(keys(%results)); my $key; foreach $key (sort(keys(%results))) { push(@values, $results{$key}); } my $maxYVal = (max @values) + 100; print $maxYVal; my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(800,600); $graph->set( x_label => 'Episode', y_label => 'Popularity', title => 'Popularity of Big Bang Theory Episodes', y_max_value => $maxYVal, transparent => 0, bgclr => qw(white), fgclr => qw(black), textclr => qw(black), x_labels_vertical => 1 ) or die $graph->error; my @data = ( [@keys], [@values] ); my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error; open(IMG, '>BigBangTheoryPopularityChart.png') or die $!; binmode IMG; print IMG $gd->png; close IMG; open CSV, ">BigBangTheoryGraphData.csv"; foreach (@csv) { print CSV join(",", @$_), "\n"; } sub getEpisodeList() { my @episodes = `curl | grep '\\([a-zA-Z0-9 ]*\\).*/\\1/' -e 's/]*>//g' -e 's/"//g'`; return @episodes; } sub dosearch { chomp @_; my ($term) = @_; $term =~ s/ /+/g; my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(); my $search = "${googurl}The+Big+Bang+Theory+${term}&key=${googleAPIkey}"; $agent->timeout(1800); print "$search\n"; my $response = $agent->get($search); die "Cant't get $googurl -- ", $response->status_line unless $response->is_success; my $resp_content = $response->content; # print "$resp_content\n"; if ($resp_content =~ /"estimatedResultCount":"(\d+)"/) { print "$1 results\n"; return $1; } else { return 0; } }